Not because all the dates that have been considered many times and issued by many research scientists, amateurs, or people of notable social recognition & also common, the next world’s end’s consummation doomsday, should already be ruled out the possibility that it be reality, because though the most recognized science and authorities have not been able to well define this event, and those who have dared to issue a theory arguments have no proper backup consistency, as well other than baseless have done the same for attention and salience, declaring with not a good reason of full legitimate knowledge well justified for all assumptions, and who definitively should not even be considered or have failed in the precise date of completion, and which issue for another reason possibly credible, should be exposing the causes backups scientists with theoretical knowledge on the best match with the more logical sense than well justified, as this author has well done, with whose basic argument exposed forward in many literal ways and video recordings, based on new knowledge with existential and astronomical concepts for him discovered and anyone else in history has been made, especially with respect to this thematic concept, which has importance for all people, because in it is implied the possible life loss and general death but no Total of the mankind, for so and that it should be of so much interest for well to concentrate on well elucidate this concept, which by the general perception of feeling that it will happen, can not be dismissed as some certain, despite most recognized science can not it justify, because as always the saying, "where there's smoke is because there is fire", when dispersed over frequent rumors about something, and finally it is true as in this case it should be, because for on justification are concepts that make this possible, especially with the effects of warming and general human decomposition unknown cause, as work and guilt that are attributable only to mankind, but one more that ignores the science, whose this author has from long time conceived and exposed, without never even wanting to be heard until now and granted him the opportunity to it analyze, y es sin duda la más acertada y bien justificada, aunque sin embargo no sea posible de señalar la específica fecha exacta de su segura realización, porque es necesario investigar y bien confirmar la base de la causa que lo provocará, puesto aunque si no fue esta pasada fallida fecha, muy seguro sea el próximo ó posterior, en base a que la efectividad y descomposición provocada no puede ser en ilimitada extremidad infinita, porque es un proceso de objetiva relatividad consciente perfectamente definida, and is with not doubt the most successful and well justified arguably, although it is not yet possible to indicate the exact date of its specific consummation, because it is necessary to investigate and wellconfirm the basis cause that it will provoke, since even if it was not in last failed date, then very surely is the next or later, based on the effectiveness and caused decomposition can not be in unlimited infinite extremeness, because is a conscious process of objective relativity perfectly defined, known and explained by this searcher author, to whose consummation climate and is just undeniable fact and reality within that very little remaining time, making it possible to ensure that should be at the height of winter, when the earth’s elliptical rotation is more elongated farthest from the sun in its history, and rather on December 22th. and not 21th., but the conditions prevailing will be markedly different to this last failed date and very dominant negative, then no one will doubt that it is imminent, but for which there is however sure general salvation.
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