martes, 23 de octubre de 2012




jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012



Despite the extraordinary achieved human development, among many concepts that have remained the most enigmatic mystery,  also it has been impossible for all the time science haven’t could been able to define and develop what is the true reason and substantial source cause of concrete stone material element that is known by:  Coral, which is achieved by unknown causes wich accumulation in whole proportions in parts of the coastal seabed surface or near earth, that become integrities in various shapes, as well as small bodies or large concentrations called reefs, so that human communities and living in relative proximity,  to which element, international society and world authorities have granted to it an extraordinary appreciable admiration, cultural protection and care, as valuable consideration for diverse expensive marketing, either as household paraphernalia, industrial human application, even for supposedly promoting beauty, health and longevity’s conservation,  this being an obvious error at least for health, because  the marine glass and lower environmental level is the negative inferior world of life on earth, and undeniably the stony Coral also is more negative for being re-transformed product of all residual bone remains from corpse, overall of marine animal population, and even garbage all kinds deposited by mankind, which however, becase the wonderful liquid ocean relativfity, all that is incredibly transformed into particular Coral cumulative common proportions, like not same way occur with these in the upper earth’s surface, whose  evolution of a similar kind for to be effected under positive  upper environmental conditions is different, and usually the bone animals or human corpses remains are transformed at negative essence disappearing and ends in the air being  distributed completely mixed and losting all vestige of it,






Although the most recognized science and humanity were able to more or less know how to discover source of flies, mosquitoes, gnats, as certain bacterial viruses of microscopic appearance, and imperceptible invisible manifestation, with a sickly powerful contagion effect as very remarkable relative risk for humans especially, never however  they well got  nor know, because although well  it is known and believed the original microbial origin of all these concepts are possible to result from very  negative  dirty sources of concentrated organic environmental decomposition such as especially rubbish dumps, waste pools, liquid ponds, or even  content to any kind of left in forgotten utensils effectiveness of worse negative evolution environmentally favored, however such viruses as also mosquitoes and flies go on originating up in places where these conditions there are not, as in closed rooms only with people, who suddenly appear as annoying mosquitoes of even more aggressive with long sharp thorns, always by negative nature of unexplained foolish tendency to go to certain people on attacking arranged to their relative environment, and specifically chosen for its goal of damaging sharp aggression, which always it becomes irrevocable intention of continuing to do so stubborn until to get it or perhaps die, when the bothers victim somehow prevents killing  it in one of his attempts, or in the same instant to feel its painful sting; in which action as is known, although the unconscious intention of volatile insect only is trying to get food on that specific huge energy source, in it is also involves possible sure relative contagion  of its always negative relative quality from origin, whose sickly specific kind capable can be of to seriously to sick any subject, as it has been witnessed throughout our history in various world’s places, with the origin of massive epidemics until of sudden sickly mortal effect, to not however to be included as victim all entire population, and is always remain  free from suffering such contagion, for reasons unknown by science and has not ever been able to explain why this happens also, but whose fact has its proper relative explanation, beginning with first define the origin of the aforesaid provoker cause agents, who incredibly not only are product of infection foci in natural environment, but rather incubated in the same humanity and their own personal generation of their organisms, which by to reach an excessive degree and contamination same negative level and ignoring possess also sickly, then they generate a halo attached to odor and  fired mood of this different imperceptible quality and more powerful essence around their environment, to accordingly to make possible this concentrated ratios, are capable of originate invisible viruses or bacteria of infectious greater relative effect, of which on some and in conjunction on a single common integrity, are capable of becoming materially volatile microorganisms such as mosquitoes,  by which feed ambient airial element acquire a greater evolutionary rapid growth , and even turned into mosquitoes with longer stinger more effective hurtful capacity, who by inertia come back to its source, if there is no other most attractive relative reason that better justify its urgent need for food, and not only air, which by its powerful magnetic energy inertia of fired humor are attracted, but not as bad is to think, trying to hurt its creator subject, but unconsciously only try fed with the same quality of the source that made possible their origin, and of it are made them, because such quality is especially attractive for them as an energy drug, which at all costs must acquire to survive, if not they are eliminated, or otherwise prevents making them run away, and withdraw its objective,  for then roam and explore the environment in seeking an ideal energy food way of similar compatible quality to own to satiate their need as be possible.

Being so of this amazing but logical way, as explained & is the mysterious never elucidated origin of mosquitoes and essential virus of sickly quality and contagious negative effect, which may be capable of causing a massive epidemic sickly of any specific class, such as those that have have been contemporary presented simultaneously and more frequently in the world. but only affecting people so, because is qualitatively more willing to support the attraction and acquisition by any transmission contagion means and way, since it is possible to essentially be moved at long distances through the also essential air element, to penetrate the atmospheric magnetic attraction of large cities and also contaminated people, who by to have being wrongly prevented with vaccines, without recommending a necessary urgent food correction and alternating better debugging culture, along with science is being with that deceptively diminished in their immune defenses ,and prearranged with a greater likelihood of not already  rejection to longer contagion, but even by themselves create own virus and greater compatibility for admission and inevitable spread of other ignored as contaminated integrities, which along with ignored negative extraterrestrial influence wich very is favorable to this, and  threatening is coming  to planet, soon will be a next  reality the unexpected source of unimagined deadly epidemics billionaire effect, which additive necessary to trigger the whole sickening invasion in millions of organisms inadvertently in excess contaminated and latent to be suddenly destroyed in this way, and this has been possible to predict not only for extrasensory perception, but by gotten scientific knowledge perfectly justified by logical coincidence with the most natural common relative sense, that was & is impossible to get by most recognized science and many of well understand even its explanation.


miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012


Aunque la más reconocida ciencia  y humanidad ya fueron capaces de más ó menos descubrir y saber la forma de origen de moscas, mosquitos, zancudos, como de ciertos virus de microscópica apariencia bacteriológica, y de imperceptible manifestación invisible, con un poderoso efecto de enfermizo contagio relativo de muy notable riesgo sobretodo para los seres humanos; nunca sin embargo bien lo consiguieron ni saben; pues aunque bien se sabe y cree que la original procedencia de todos esos microbianos conceptos son posibles de derivarse de muy negativos focos de concentrada sucia descomposición orgánica ambiental, como son especialmente de basura, basureros, residuales charcos, estanques líquidos, ó hasta contenidos  en toda clase de utensilios dejados en olvidada efectividad de peor negativa evolución ambientalmente favorecida; sin embargo, tales virus como también mosquitos y zancudos siguen originándose hasta en lugares donde no hay estas condiciones, como es en habitaciones cerradas solo con gente, en que súbitamente aparecen manifiestos como molestos mosquitos ó más aun agresivos zancudos con largos y filosos aguijones, siempre por negativa naturaleza de inexplicable necia tendencia a dirigirse a atacar a ciertas personas relativas dispuestas a su entorno, y específicamente elegidas para su objetivo de perjudicial punzante agresión, que siempre se vuelve de continua obstinada intención irrenunciable hasta lograrlo ó quizás morir, cuando la molesta víctima de alguna forma lo impide ó los liquida en alguno de sus intentos ó en mismo momento de sentir su doloroso piquete, en cuya acción  como es sabido, aunque la inconsciente  intención del volátil insecto sólo sea de intentar alimentarse de esa específica enorme fuente de energía, en ello se implica el también posible seguro contagio relativo de su siempre negativa calidad de procedencia, cuya enfermiza clase de específico contagio capaz puede ser de enfermar gravemente a cualquier sujeto, como ha sido atestiguado a lo largo de nuestra historia en varias partes del mundo, con el origen de las multitudinarias epidemias enfermizas de hasta súbito efecto mortal, a lo  que sin embargo no toda la población es incluida victima, y queda siempre exenta de sufrir dicho contagio, por causas que la ciencia ignora y nunca tampoco ha sabido explicar por qué también ocurre esto, que sin embargo tiene su debida explicación relativa, que empieza por primero definir el origen antes dicho de los causantes  agentes, que increíblemente no solo son producto de focos de infección en el ambiente natural, sino más bien  incubados en la misma humanidad, y por propia generación personal de sus organismos, que por alcanzar  un excesivo grado y nivel de misma contaminación negativa y enfermiza que ignoran poseer, generan un halo adjunto al olor y humor despedido  de esta distinta calidad de  más imperceptible y poderosa esencia en su entorno ambiental, para en consecuencia hacer posible que concentradas proporciones de esta, sean capaces de originar invisibles virus ó  bacterias de mayor contagioso efecto relativo, de los cuales algunos y en conjunción relativa en una sóla  integridad común, son capaces de materialmente transformarse en microorganismos volátiles como son los mosquitos, por cuya ambiental alimentación elemental aérea adquieren un rápido mayor evolutivo crecimiento, y hasta  convertidos en zancudos con mayor efectiva capacidad, por inercia regresar a su fuente de origen, si  no es que existe otro motivo de mayor atracción relativa que mejor justifique su imperiosa necesidad de  alimentación, ya no solo aérea, sino de la misma enorme calidad energética cual fuente de origen, que por su poderosa magnética inercia energética del despedido humor son atraídos, pero no como para como se mal piensa: tratar de hacer daño al sujeto creador, sino inconscientemente de  solo procurar alimentarse con la misma calidad de la fuente que hizo posible su origen y de que esencialmente están hechos, ya que tal calidad es como una especial atractiva droga  energética, de la cual a como de lugar deben adquirir para sobrevivir, si no es que se les liquida, ó de cualquier forma impide, hace alejar, y desistir  de su objetivo, para entonces vagar y explorar en el ambiente procurando un ideal medio alimenticio de similar energética calidad compatible a la poseída para saciar su necesidad hasta donde y cuando sea posible.

Siendo entonces así de esta increíble pero lógica forma, como se explica el nunca dilucidado misterioso origen de virus, zancudos y mosquitos de enfermiza calidad esencial  y contagioso efecto negativo, que capaces pueden ser de provocar una multitudinaria epidemia de específica clase enfermiza, como las que se han estado contemporáneamente presentando ya con más frecuencia en el mundo, pero afectando solamente a la gente que por lo dicho más predispuesta es cualitativamente compatible a la atracción y adquisición por cualquier medio y forma de contagio, puesto que posible es de en esencia ser trasladada a grandes distancias por medio del también esencial elemento aéreo para internarse por la magnética atracción atmosférica de las grandes urbes y su también contaminada gente, quien por estar siendo equivocadamente prevenida con vacunas, sin recomendar una necesaria urgente mejor  cultural corrección alimenticia y alterna depuración, junto con la ciencia está siendo con eso engañosamente disminuida en sus inmunológicas defensas, y predispuesta con una mayor posibilidad de ya no rechazo al ajeno contagio, sino hasta  por sí mismos crear propios virus y mayor compatibilidad  para  ineludible admisión y ajeno contagio  de sus ignoradas tan contaminadas integridades, que junto con ignorada  influencia extraterrestre negativa que muy favorable es a esto y se acerca amenazante a planeta,  muy pronto será una realidad el inesperado origen de nunca imaginadas epidemias de rápido  mortal efecto multimillonario, cual necesario aditivo para desencadenar la entera invasión de enfermiza calidad en millones de organismos, inadvertidamente en exceso contaminados y latentes a ser súbitamente aniquilados de esa forma, y lo cual ha sido posible de predecir no por solo por extrasensorial percepción, sino por conocimiento científico perfectamente justificado por la más lógica coincidencia del más natural sentido común relativo, que imposible es hasta para ciencia y muchos de siquiera bien comprender su explicación.





Despite the extraordinary achieved human development, among many concepts that have remained the most enigmatic mystery,  also it has been impossible for all the time science haven’t could been able to define and develop what is the true reason and substantial source cause of concrete stone material element that is known by:  Coral, which is achieved by unknown causes wich accumulation in whole proportions in parts of the coastal seabed surface or near earth, that become integrities in various shapes, as well as small bodies or large concentrations called reefs, so that human communities and living in relative proximity,  to which element, international society and world authorities have granted to it an extraordinary appreciable admiration, cultural protection and care, as valuable consideration for diverse expensive marketing, either as household paraphernalia, industrial human application, even for supposedly promoting beauty, health and longevity’s conservation,  this being an obvious error at least for health, because  the marine glass and lower environmental level is the negative inferior world of life on earth, and undeniably the stony Coral also is more negative for being re-transformed product of all residual bone remains from corpse, overall of marine animal population, and even garbage all kinds deposited by mankind, which however, becase the wonderful liquid ocean relativfity, all that is incredibly transformed into particular Coral cumulative common proportions, like not same way occur with these in the upper earth’s surface, whose  evolution of a similar kind for to be effected under positive  upper environmental conditions is different, and usually the bone animals or human corpses remains are transformed at negative essence disappearing and ends in the air being  distributed completely mixed and losting all vestige of it,





A pesar del extraordinario desarrollo humano alcanzado, entre muchos conceptos que han permanecido en el más enigmático misterio que imposible ha sido para la ciencia de todo tiempo haber hasta ahora podido definir y concebir, cual es la verdadera razón y causa de origen del concreto considerable pétreo elemento material que conocido es por: Coral, que por desconocidas causas en enteras proporciones se logra acumular en lugares del fondo marino ó cercanas costas superficiales terrenas que se convierten en integridades con diversas formas, tanto como pequeños cuerpos,  ó enormes concentraciones llamadas arrecifes, por lo que ya las humanas comunidades vivientes en relativa vecindad, como internacional sociedad y autoridades del mundo, han otorgado  un extraordinario aprecio de admiración, cultural protección y cuidado, como consideración de valor, para onerosa comercialización diversa, sea como  adornos domésticos, artículos industriales de aplicación humana, hasta para supuestamente favorecer la belleza, como longeva conservación y salud; siendo esto último un más evidente error al menos para la salud, porque se ignora que al ser el vaso marino el inferior nivel y ambiental mundo negativo de la vida en planeta,  innegablemente el pétreo coral también es más negativo por ser retransformado producto de todos residuales óseos restos mortales de la general cadavérica población animal marina, y hasta basura de todas clases depositados por el género humano, que sin embargo por la maravillosa efectividad del líquido marino, es increíblemente todo eso particularmente es transformado en acumuladas proporciones comunes de Coral, como no igual ocurre en con estos en la superior terrena superficie, cuya evolución de similar clase por ser efectuada en condiciones ambientales positivas dominantes es diferente, y generalmente los óseos restos de cadáveres animales ó humanos termina transformada despareciendo en esencia negativa que en el aire totalmente se distribuye mezclándose y perdiéndose todo vestigio de ello.



martes, 16 de octubre de 2012




Although the next world’s end, is supposedly imminent, and as so it was proven with proper scientific irrefutable evidence by this author, completely ignored by most recognized science, explaining everything about the feared event, this inevitably destined to happen, as so often it has been the same as this time and no doubt soon will be, and many professional and amateur scientists, as people in the world has also convinced that based on the Mayan prophecies it may well be next at final month of this one 2012 year, and resigned with certain inevitably fear we expect; it should know that its consummation in this year end , may not be yet possible to happen, because there are some doubtful concepts for this author, because a negative existential phenomenon and so as this of most remarkable importance, by Divine law can not be made on a date with positive numbers belonging to God, the 12 added (1 +2) 3 results, which is precisely the basic principal of Him, as is also the 12th year’s month, though however the full sum 2 +01 +2 is 5, which belongs to ignored Divine existential negativity by reason on her origin & hierarchy order (as God is 3), and means being totalitarian superior negative existence applied on inferior entire existence, whose includes astrnomical & living.
But whose best number of year to that could be to the next, because it is 13, and this adds 1 +3 = 4, which also corresponds to the divine existential negativity, and the sum of the whole year 2 +0 +13 = 5 it results, which means superior negative existential wisdom applied to the inferior whole existence.
Existing aside certain concepts whose neither well justify it can be this one year, because even though is notable, still is not registred in the world a very serious general environmental decomposition, and almost no human in general world concept, as this searcher author considers and believes it should be, it due to the now more than ever nearby coming presence, of a ignored relativity’s old expired negative planet, theoretically revealed by this author, which with its powerful influence must to cause everything on grave worst way, as is the coldness, and numerous for sure strongest earthquakes and tsunamis, cyclones or hurricanes meteors as increasingly also have been worse, or sickly epidemic influences of deadly sudden effect on alive beings & humaniity, etc.; aside that it is not even easy to see and identify its approach and presence, as it should it be seen with powerful exterior telescopes, and she will be when gets closer to the relativity’s climax meeting, which anyway it will be consumated, because the evidence of this are the effects of global warming and general environmental and human decomposition said, that they have been in gradual increase, thereby justifying being on that account of astronomical relativity, not even apparently it heard discussed or recognized by scientific nor governmental authorities, and consciously to focus all attention on human best prevention to better assimilate what is imminent.