jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012



Although the most recognized science and humanity were able to more or less know how to discover source of flies, mosquitoes, gnats, as certain bacterial viruses of microscopic appearance, and imperceptible invisible manifestation, with a sickly powerful contagion effect as very remarkable relative risk for humans especially, never however  they well got  nor know, because although well  it is known and believed the original microbial origin of all these concepts are possible to result from very  negative  dirty sources of concentrated organic environmental decomposition such as especially rubbish dumps, waste pools, liquid ponds, or even  content to any kind of left in forgotten utensils effectiveness of worse negative evolution environmentally favored, however such viruses as also mosquitoes and flies go on originating up in places where these conditions there are not, as in closed rooms only with people, who suddenly appear as annoying mosquitoes of even more aggressive with long sharp thorns, always by negative nature of unexplained foolish tendency to go to certain people on attacking arranged to their relative environment, and specifically chosen for its goal of damaging sharp aggression, which always it becomes irrevocable intention of continuing to do so stubborn until to get it or perhaps die, when the bothers victim somehow prevents killing  it in one of his attempts, or in the same instant to feel its painful sting; in which action as is known, although the unconscious intention of volatile insect only is trying to get food on that specific huge energy source, in it is also involves possible sure relative contagion  of its always negative relative quality from origin, whose sickly specific kind capable can be of to seriously to sick any subject, as it has been witnessed throughout our history in various world’s places, with the origin of massive epidemics until of sudden sickly mortal effect, to not however to be included as victim all entire population, and is always remain  free from suffering such contagion, for reasons unknown by science and has not ever been able to explain why this happens also, but whose fact has its proper relative explanation, beginning with first define the origin of the aforesaid provoker cause agents, who incredibly not only are product of infection foci in natural environment, but rather incubated in the same humanity and their own personal generation of their organisms, which by to reach an excessive degree and contamination same negative level and ignoring possess also sickly, then they generate a halo attached to odor and  fired mood of this different imperceptible quality and more powerful essence around their environment, to accordingly to make possible this concentrated ratios, are capable of originate invisible viruses or bacteria of infectious greater relative effect, of which on some and in conjunction on a single common integrity, are capable of becoming materially volatile microorganisms such as mosquitoes,  by which feed ambient airial element acquire a greater evolutionary rapid growth , and even turned into mosquitoes with longer stinger more effective hurtful capacity, who by inertia come back to its source, if there is no other most attractive relative reason that better justify its urgent need for food, and not only air, which by its powerful magnetic energy inertia of fired humor are attracted, but not as bad is to think, trying to hurt its creator subject, but unconsciously only try fed with the same quality of the source that made possible their origin, and of it are made them, because such quality is especially attractive for them as an energy drug, which at all costs must acquire to survive, if not they are eliminated, or otherwise prevents making them run away, and withdraw its objective,  for then roam and explore the environment in seeking an ideal energy food way of similar compatible quality to own to satiate their need as be possible.

Being so of this amazing but logical way, as explained & is the mysterious never elucidated origin of mosquitoes and essential virus of sickly quality and contagious negative effect, which may be capable of causing a massive epidemic sickly of any specific class, such as those that have have been contemporary presented simultaneously and more frequently in the world. but only affecting people so, because is qualitatively more willing to support the attraction and acquisition by any transmission contagion means and way, since it is possible to essentially be moved at long distances through the also essential air element, to penetrate the atmospheric magnetic attraction of large cities and also contaminated people, who by to have being wrongly prevented with vaccines, without recommending a necessary urgent food correction and alternating better debugging culture, along with science is being with that deceptively diminished in their immune defenses ,and prearranged with a greater likelihood of not already  rejection to longer contagion, but even by themselves create own virus and greater compatibility for admission and inevitable spread of other ignored as contaminated integrities, which along with ignored negative extraterrestrial influence wich very is favorable to this, and  threatening is coming  to planet, soon will be a next  reality the unexpected source of unimagined deadly epidemics billionaire effect, which additive necessary to trigger the whole sickening invasion in millions of organisms inadvertently in excess contaminated and latent to be suddenly destroyed in this way, and this has been possible to predict not only for extrasensory perception, but by gotten scientific knowledge perfectly justified by logical coincidence with the most natural common relative sense, that was & is impossible to get by most recognized science and many of well understand even its explanation.


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