martes, 28 de enero de 2014



Impossible is to have passed unnoticed for humanity, scientific authorities and government the current world's largest incidence of influence, and despite even be applied in almost all international population the called vaccine for supposedly to prevent it, and with other measures of domestic and public health , believing deceived  to have got the ultimate solution, for even  to declare that to all get immunity not to suffer such severe disease state , which for every time bigger number lethal means , without medical science unfortunately can help with its various medical resources, the which is clearly are unable to provide the usual normal healthy to people, already fearful and helpless to suffer at any time such condition or other with very similar effective characteristics, as is the " dengue " hn1 flu , flu Asian , anger, etc. . of same killing effect , which as the influence supposedly are caused by virus-of specific new features that simple flu , and which is a lie , because although certainly such virus from sick patients  can relatively infect other people , not just are the original cause of such suffering, but rather the internal state organic of beings , which generally get very contaminated because of the never fully considered misunderstood and carnivorous food culture negative residual dominant and  congenital inheritance with it transmitted, the new current human generation , with certain exceptions owns a deplorable state tendentiously carcinogenic and latent to sick somehow creating new viruses , as is generally from flu, to immediately seek relief with the usual artificial medicine , with products of extraordinary relief effect on all annoying, unbearable and painful symptoms, but without really to get the ultimate cure , but only the desired false & misleadingrelief, but ignored at worst cover of sickening evolution and incubation base for some worse, because it is not known that the artificial medicine in the worse more serious scientific error in such category , as well are the vaccines of worst negative quality, having so unintentionally contributed to the worst sickening evolution known in every age , and origin of new unknown and worst become with new produced microbes to virus , which result of mutation has favored its evolutionary concealment, and naturally worse also the symptomatic annihilating ill effect, that increasing numbers killed because they are not prevented even if it is with told vaccines , or now nor even that is able to avoid it, because in many has become immune , and every time they are more , such and as for decades this author predicted would happen and definitely worst it will happen as global pandemic, with a secure multi - millionaire fast annihilating deadly effect , because for everything that humanity has been from infancy being thus predisposed to suffer that kind of flu turn influence , dengue, Asian flu , HN1 , anger, and maybe even begin to record cases of Ebola , because apart from everything, there is a powerful unhealthy extraterrestrial influence already wide  and also with complete detail exhibited from decades by this author , who is approaching to the system & planet, which besides being provocative of global warming and environmental and human decomposition, in the next two years will result in intensified negative effect on all living organism that is more polluted and negatively predisposed to be victim of fatal endemic sudden annihilation , and nothing strange or inexplicable in its said causes it will be, without that science can do something about it as it has been  in other passengers endemic outbreaks, in that have been totally disoriented and incapable to solve, until as they have been they have gone, having been indicative of attention to correct with the best prevention , that already suffering will no longer answer with anything of the wrong medical production , but possible of natural specific way , and for try to help with an urgent global human decontamination of all possible ways , starting with the immediate drastic positive natural dietary changes , exercise and daily intense steam , but  also less sexual wear, because even it involves reciprocal contamination , which seems to be impossible, because almost everyone is victim of vicious addiction in  all relative concept.


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